Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MEAP Parent Report

The MEAP Parent Report will be in your child’s Friday folder. Please review the document and contact me, if you should have any questions.


This Friday, April 1st is Free Dress for only $1!


We have been learning about verbs for the past two weeks. We started off with the basic "action verb", then we discussed verb tenses, and now we have been working with "helping verbs." 

Below is the helping verb song, which helped the students memorize all 23 of the helping verbs. They had a lot of fun today playing musical chairs, while they sung!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Theo Smith and family for purchasing snacks for not only the class, but also for me!!! I appreciate your thoughtfulness! 


This Thursday, March 31st, the fifth graders will be  visiting UPA Middle School from 9:00-11:00 am.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Birthday

Brandon McLean: March 29th 


Narratives are being sent home TODAY! Please make sure to sign the note attached to the narrative indicating that you have received your child's second trimester narrative.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


This weekend please encourage your child to spend some time researching an area of concern in regards to their “Do Something” project.

Proposals are due in three weeks and it is CRITICAL that each student spend enough time conducting research to ensure that they will have the following items solidified BEFORE they turn in their proposal on April 7th:

1.    A location for their “Do Something” project confirmed
2.     Contacted an expert who has agreed to an interview

It is extremely important to have these two items secure BEFORE their proposal submission because remember, once your child submits their proposal it is FINAL!

That is why I am giving them more than THREE weeks to complete this task.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Happy Birthday

Christina Greene: March 25th 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Do Something

Here are a couple of notes that I want to mention about the third trimester exhibition project.

1. The project needs to be something that the child cares about and can do something about. It is not a project where they can just say, "I'm going to pick up trash on the street with my friend."

2. For Milestone #1, if students are unable to find books on their topic (if it's too new or obscure), they can use newspaper articles or magazine articles to substitute for the books. Chances are, if your child thinks it is a problem, someone else has too and has written about it somewhere. Try going to news websites and checking their archives for old articles/stories.
The websites listed below are good places to start looking.
  • www.cnn.com
  • usnews.com
  • http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/kids
3. Stay away from money fund raising. Those projects are difficult to manage, but if they are interested in helping with relief to some place like Haiti or Japan, they can do a project getting people to donate needed items (do an online search for items disaster relief locations need if that is going to be your child's focus on the Do Something Project.

4. This project should be kid-focused and based on things that your child can actually 

5. Creativity and action are key to this project!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cost of the Motown Museum

Ms. Ritter just informed me on Friday that there will be a cost of $6 for our field trip to the Motown Museum which is scheduled for next Friday, March 25th. Please send in the money as soon as possible. Thank you!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


This trimester students will be choosing a service project for their Exhibition. 

Please view this presentation to get ideas:

View more presentations from jtiggs

Below are the documents that your child will need to complete this project 
(Milestone 1, 2, 3, and the Reflection):
Do Something Project

Examples of the requirements for this project to be used as guides.
*Please note that these are just basic examples. Your child is expected to go above and beyond these examples.

Humane Society-Example

View more presentations from embryjd.

Rubric for Second Trimester Exhibition

Please take the time to view the rubric that will be used during your child's exhibition.
Rubric for Countries



Friday, March 11th 


Happy Birthday

Deon Brown-March 16th 


Thank you to the following families for their thoughtfulness and kindness on my birthday:

James Sinclair and family for a beautiful wallet

Cariae James-Bey and family for the lotion, body wash, and card. I love the scent!

Marissa Goodwin and family for the flowers and card.

Matthew Hurt and family for the porcelain egg

Christina Greene and family for the pretty braclet

Theoren Smith and family for the gift card. Going to the movies is one of my favorite pastime.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Field Trips


Friday, March 25, 2011

The fifth graders will be going to the Motown Museum with Ms. Ritter.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The fourth and fifth graders will be traveling to the Ford Community and Performance Arts Center in Dearborn to see the play, The Diary of Anne Frank. The cost of the play is $5.00. 

Thank You

Thank you to Cariae James-Bey and family for purchasing line paper

Trimester 2-Exhibition Schedule

Below are the assigned days that we will be conducting Exhibitions in our class.

March 10th

March 14th 

March 15th
Deon Bo.

March 16th

March 17th
Deon Br.

Please note that at least one family representative is required to attend each Exhibition and that you should count on being there for an hour to include the third trimester Learning Team Meeting.

Happy Birthday

Xavier-March 3rd
Cariae-March 5th
Mrs. Drain-March 8th
Theoren-March 9th 
Brianna-March 10th

Permission Slip

Please click on the "Permission Slip" tab above and complete the form to give your child permission to watch the movie, Race to Witch Mountain on Monday, March 7th.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

African American Wax Museum

The African American Museum went very well. It was nice seeing the parents who were able to attend!

 For those who were unable to attend, please view the brief picture slideshow on the right to see how your child "SHINED!"  
SymbianStar Pictures, Images and Photos